Free App Store gem - Access all of your online accounts with PageOnce

PageOnce launched as a web site earlier this year with a single focus, to simplify your online activity by aggregating your accounts into a single, secure view. We gave it test drive and liked it, but they were lacking a mobile interface so we didn’t get to tell you about it here on Today, we can gladly tell you that PageOnce has a free, native app waiting for you in the App Store and this is one gem of a download that you won’t want to miss.

The PageOnce app brings account aggregation to the iPhone and iPod touch, and the productivity gains you’ll experience will be like nirvana. PageOnce gives you a single page with all of your online accounts for banking, credit cards, email, MobileMe, social networks, bill payments, movie rentals, airlines, and on, and on, and on. You’ll have access to almost every online account you own with just a single tap. The days of signing into each account separately have come to and end, and that is wonderful news to our weary, tapped-out fingers.

Setting up PageOnce is a snap, but you’ll definitely need to do that from a desktop browser. Go to the PageOnce web site and sign up for a free account, then populate your account with all the online services you need access to. Then go to the App Store and download the PageOnce app for iPhone 2.0. Tap the app icon to run it then sign in with your PageOnce username and password. You can now access any of your online accounts without signing in again!

PageOnce supports so many online services that we cannot list them all here, but they are categorized neatly under Finance, Shopping, Utilities, Social, Travel, and Email. Wanna add your Amazon and Ebay accounts? No problem. How about your bank or brokerage accounts? Gotcha covered. You can add your wireless provider, including Skype and DirecTV, or your social networks like LinkedIn, Flickr, or Twitter, just to name a few. If you travel a lot, you can add your accounts for airlines, rental cars, and hotels. And, of course, you can add any number of web-based email accounts to monitor from your PageOnce view.

The number of internet services that PageOnce supports is very impressive and they are adding more to it all the time. If you don’t see one of your accounts listed in the admin tool, then you can send it in to the PageOnce team suggesting they add it to the growing list of options. Chances are, however, you find will more than a few of your online accounts available which will make managing your digital life that much easier.

PageOnce is committed to security and they even have a web page dedicated to that subject. They claim to provide military-level security, we’re pretty sure that means Kevlar armor instead of wicker. PageOnce has passed strict security audits by Verisign, TrustE, McAfee, and the Better Business Bureau. They knew customers would question security so they attacked that issue head-on and we feel good about it.

We love the single tap account access that PageOnce provides us on our iPhones, but the app does have its drawbacks. For one, the UI could use a little spit polish so that it feels more like an iPhone app. There a few issues with colors, fonts, and spacing. Also, managing your PageOnce preferences must by done on a desktop computer and the web site doesn’t seem to do very well in Safari, so use Firefox or Opera. However, these are minor nits compared to the overall value the app provides. It’s amazing this app is free because we’d gladly pay for it. It’s no wonder PageOnce earned a four-star rating in the App Store from its users.
