Do something about your iPhone battery

When the 3G iPhone was launched, customers were disappointed about the battery life of the device. And for those who would mainly rely on their iPhones whenever they are on the road would not want a device that would easily ran out of battery. So here are some of the things that you can do to prolong the battery life of your 3G iPhone.

Buying a car charge would allow you to charge your iPhone wherever you go. Go to the official site of Apple Inc. and you can find cheap car chrgers for the iPhone. Some would even allow the users to listen to their iPhone music through the car’s speaker.

You might also turn off the 3G, Location, or Wi-Fi on your iPhone when you’re not using it. You might find it bothering to turn these features on and off every time you will use it and stop using it. But hey, it’s an effective way to prolong the battery life of your 3GiPhone.

A bright screen can also consume much of your 3G iPhone’s battery life. And as long as the brightness wasn’t turned down to far, you will not notice anything different in your screen at all.